Parents as partners
In supporting children’s learning and development, we always work with our parents because parents are children’s first educators, and their role is very important in what we do.That is why we engage parents in a range of ways.
Throughout your child’s time at nursery, we welcome telephone calls throughout the day if you require to find out how your child has been. Your child’s key worker will be more than happy to inform you of your child’s day, activities they have enjoyed and their general mood.
Parent’s evening: Every term the nursery organises a parent’s evening. This gives opportunity to parents to formally have a meeting with their children’s key person to look at the child’s profile and discuss about their learning and development.
Coffee Mornings: Coffee morning are organised once a term to encourage social interaction between parents and management of the nursery. This also provide opportunity for parents to meet and discuss with staff on any matter.
Home link: Tailored activities to support children’s learning are sent home. The information is also used to plan activities for the child in the nursery.
We also use Newsletters, Meetings, feedbacks, questionnaires, emails and so on.
Nursery Times & Sessions
We are opened 50 weeks of the year, Mondays – Fridays.
Sessions: Full day: 8am – 6pm
AM session: 8am-1pm
PM session: 1pm-6pm
Settling in
Before your child starts, we recommend you come and visit us for a short time so you and your child can become familiar with the environment and the staff in the room.
Since the Covid-19 requirement has been lifted please use this information – Parents are welcome to stay with their child in the room during the first session of the settling-in period. The Nursery will provide the parent/ carer with an “all about me book” to complete to get to know the child and family better.
The child is welcomed by the management / room staff, messages are handed over and the child will be left with the nursery staff on the 2nd and 3rd day of settling-in session. The staff will give the parent an update about how the child is doing during their settling-in. Settling-in provides an opportunity for you and the carers to liaise about your child, informing us of their individual ways, their routine, likes and dislikes and to ensure your child settles into nursery the best possible way. These sessions are free of charge.
We offer three settling in sessions: The first session lasts an hour and the second lasts about 2 hours and the third lasts about three hours.

Funding your Childcare
Help with fees
There are various funding opportunities that are available through government help scheme and can be used within our nursery. Such as, 15hrs, 30hrs, free child Tax credit, student Grant, Care-to-learn and so on. With us you can simply take your fifteen hours or thirty hours and pay nothing or top up your free sessions – the choice is totally yours!
For more information click on the link below or contact the nursery
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Child Tax Credit; voucher, CCG (for university students) & Care-2-learn (for secondary/college students). These payments are all government based.
Parents/carers can also apply directly through HMRC – for childcare element.
Are all your staff DBS checked?
All staff, volunteers, students are all DBS checked.
What are your staff's qualifications?
Our staffs’ qualifications varies from Masters in Early years to 2 level in childcare.
Can I get extra settling-in session on top of the three offered?
Extra settling-in session will depend on an individual circumstances.
Who is going to be my child's key person?
During your child’s settling-in session, a key person will be allocated and introduced to parent.
How many children in a room per session?
In the baby room is maximum of 12 per session, toddler room is 20 per session and preschool is 24 children per session.
What was the outcome of your last Ofsted report?
We registered as a new nursery and awaiting inspection. But as nursery taken over by a new owner, we have always had Good Grade.
My child needs extra help/support, can he get 1:1 support?
We don’t get funding for 1:1 for children in the nursery. However we endeavour to support individual child’s needs within the nursery.
What activities do you provide?
We provide various fun activities indoors and outdoors for children and we also following their lead on chosen interest/activities.
How will know about my child's progress?
we feedback on day-to-day basis, termly parents evening and year progress written report. Our doors are always open to meet with parents at any convenient time.
What type of meals and snack do you provide?
We have various meal supplied by Zebedees, we following dietary and religious requirement.
What can I bring into the nursery for my child?
Nappies, wipes, spare clothes in accordance to weather and need of your child, etc.
What do I do if another person is collecting my child for me?
Call the nursery with the person’s details and password
Is nappy part of the fees?
Nappies, wipes and baby formula is not part of the fees
When does your nursery close during the year?
We are open for business 50 weeks of the year. We are closed in the last 2 weeks of December for the Christmas break.